Strategic Management:strategy. However, this model has some limitations: a) this model face difficulties to integrate businesscomplexities in competitive marketplaces; b) this model only focuses on market forces but the organisationshave to respond to others issues including government issue, social and cultural issues, economic, legal,Porter’s Five Force’s Analysis in terms of McDonald's business situationTheory Description Analysis on McDonaldRivalryon competitors and have to gaincompetitive advantages over theMcDonald's products prices arecompetitors, which create extremefrom competitors includingCustomer Customers influences theproducts prices determined bycompanies which createto the business toreduce prices.number of customers arehappy with McDonald's products pricesbut in most of the cases they claim toSupplierbuying powerSuppliers can put pressures onsupply chain, whenthey see that there is fewerMcDonald buy most of its ingredientsentrantsNew entrants might exist in thewith their fullAs McDonald has very strong brandany new entrants.Threat ofpotentialsubstitutesSimilar products might come inthe market from the competitorsperformance.substitutes introduced by its key(Burger King, Sub-way,Greggs, etc.) in near future.
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